
Annoying Superstitions

Hardball by  CD Reis   Amazon Kindle Megan had suggested I read this book. I love baseball, Go Mariners, and who doesn’t love a good looking baseball player. I figured, what the heck I’ll give it a shot. The story is about Vivian, a Middle School librarian for the Los Angeles Unified School District, typical romance leading lady in that she thinks she’s not attractive and everyone else thinks she’s a knockout. Snore. Vivian helps out the PE teacher at her Middle School and goes on a field trip to meet some L.A. Dodger players. This is where our leading man comes in, Dashiell, Dash, Wallace, who was “proportioned by Da Vinci and sculpted by Michelangelo”.   Shocker, he’s rude to her when she asks him to sign a ball for her Dad’s birthday. Magically this guy appears in her school asking if one of her students stole his glove. Everyone knows baseball players are annoyingly superstitious. If you didn’t know this, well you do now and the fans are just as

The "L" Word

Looking Inside by Beth Kery Amazon Kindle